
Padang n Samoa had became a so much famous places ever since the earthquake and taufan ketsana had ruin every single things in there. Moreover, this disaster had killed 40 people in vietnam, and 240 people in Samoa, Filipinas..and in indon, THOUSAND people killed caused of the earthquake..Sounds creepy..So much creepy than we though..I found this news, which i never read in any newspaper since the disaster happened:

400 orang hilang ditelan bumi ketika gempa bumi di Padang

JAKARTA: Kira-kira 400 orang yang sedang menghadiri satu majlis pernikahan dikhuatiri hilang ditelan bumi di Dusun Pulau Aik, Padang Pariaman ketika gempa bumi berkekuatan 7.6 skala Richter melanda Sumatera Barat pada 5.16 petang 30 Sept.
Kebimbangan itu berdasarkan keadaan kampung itu yang kini rata ditutupi tanah dan menara masjid, yang merupakan struktur tertinggi di situ, bahkan juga sudah tidak kelihatan.
"Mereka ditelan bumi sedalam 30 meter akibat gempa dan longsor (tanah runtuh)," kata Ketua Pusat Penanganan Krisis Kementerian Kesihatan Indonesia, Rustam S. Pakaya yang dipetik detikcom, semalam.

And how i realize that the 7 point something scalar Richter earth quake was a warning from God for the people to think about what they had done so far to protect Islam from being fooled..
[sambil mengalunkan lagu 'look what u have done' from JET]

In malaysia yg tercinta, certain places felt the vibration and what make things funny, in IPOH - two men died cuz of the building collaps, not cuz of the earthquake..but its a silly mistake that they prefer to call 'HUMAN ERROR' by the construction that responsible to ruins the building, but behave like an idiot..what happened? part of the ruins telah jatuh menghempap sebuah kereta..n the driver (a Malay young man)was killled cuz of that..this man was dying in vain..siyesly!

IN TERENGANU, a mosque that still under construction also collapse..Lucky no one there praying..If not?

lu pikir laa sendiri..


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